Keep Your Babies “In Stitches”: Interview with Institches Designs

I know most of my readers are from the South, but for those of you who aren’t, we have a thing about monogramming here….


So it should really come as no surprise that I have a friend who does just that: monogramming. InStitches Designs is owned and operated by my friend, Jennifer McMenemy. I had run across her designs before but what REALLY inspired me to interview her was this picture of herself and her daughter, Ellie Grace:

I knew I had to have this dress, or one like it, for my own daughter: Lily Kate. (We also have a thing for double names here, and using last names as first names… like my son, Bishop.)

In the process of interviewing Jen, I found out this is how she and her husband are raising funds for their adoption. You may remember another couple I interviewed, Stacy and Luke, who are adopting as well ( – and by the way today is the last day to buy a t shirt). I’m so proud to have so many friends who are doing such a lovely thing.

Moving on… as I always get sidetracked… let’s be honest. Everyone has a need for a mongrammed or handmade item at some point in time. Whether it’s a friend having a baby, or dressing ones kids, I don’t know of anyone who couldn’t use one of these items. So, here is my interview with Jen about her Institches Designs:

Make It Work Molly: Tell me, what inspired you to start this business?
Jen: Ellie Grace was the inspiration.  I started just with monogramming things for her and friends and it has grown from there.  I am now a stay at home Mom and do this full time as well.  Starting in Jan of this year we announced that all proceeds from the sales go towards funding for our adoption for baby #2.
MIWM: Can you send me your website link?
Etsy shop is:

I also have a page on FB (where I do most of the business) 
MIWM: What items do you carry?
Jen: I carry monogrammed and appliqued children’s clothes and gifts.  I also carry things for adults such as monogrammed items, some bracelets, towels, and gifts.  The majority of my business is in monogramming and applique shirts, bibs, burp cloths.
MIWM: Can you do custom items?
Jen: I can do custom items.
MIWM: Where can one purchase items?
Jen: Purchases can be made at the etsy shop or by messaging me on the Facebook page.
I mean seriously, yall, how stinkin cute are these?!
So, if you want to learn more about Jen and Brian and Ellie Grace’s adoption journey go here:
And to make purchases, you can go to the Facebook page here:, and for custom items just message Jen directly.
Love to all yall….

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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