It’s Going To Be A Busy Weekend

I am totally screwed this weekend. There’s just no other way to slice it. There’s SO MUCH happening this weekend.

And it’s all pretty much in one day.

Saturday- August 17th- starting that afternoon…. Anya Silver, who I greatly admire and respect, will be doing a poetry reading at my church. St. Paul’s Episcopal on College Street. And because it’s nearly midnight and I’m exhausted from trying to learn layout at The Cluster tonight I’m just going to copy and paste from the Facebook event page:

This is a FREE EVENT. You are invited to come celebrate and hear renowned poet, and Mercer English Professor, Anya Silver read her poetry that “belongs to the ancient tradition of meditation on the name of God – not as a way of containing and owning God, but as a way of entering into communion. Her work is pervaded by a longing for the divine that is at once specifically located in small, ordinary things, and deeply mystical. Alive to the rhythms of both nature and liturgy, she sees the possibility of transcendence everywhere, not only in the Torah and the sacraments, but in insects, the pealing of bells, tree boughs, pastry, and the human spine. Her smart, lucid, sometimes playful language and her gorgeous but unlabored images win the reader to her way of seeing; that is, to an openness to finding beauty in unexpected places.” We are very excited to present this event for all within Macon and especially the College Hill Corridor. Reception to follow in the Parrish Hall.

Sidebar: it took me three tries just to freaking copy and paste. WTF. Sorry yall…


Somehow, I’ve got to also make it to Taste of the Arts. The above event ends at 7. TOTA starts as 7. I think I’m having my makeup artist/hair genius meet me at the church to doll me upstairs. So- enter as a normal person, exit as a 1920’s styled vamp. If anyone would do it, it would surely be me. Not like my church wouldn’t expect it from me either. Thank goodness for being an Episcopalian.

Taste of the Arts 2013- it’s going to be epic, yall. It has to be with the 1920’s Great Gatsby styled theme. Don’t forget to buy your tickets here! However I have yet to decide which outfit I’m going to wear and of course one of them just shipped today- the one I’m really wanting to wear. Frustrated? No… not at all. (Yes. Yes in fact I am please do not read past my sarcasm.)




AFTER TASTE OF THE ARTS- oh yes folks we’re not finished yet!!! The Hummingbird has a circus. No that isn’t sarcasm in fact they really are having a circus.

From the press release:

This summer, Atlanta‐based rock band The Sexual Side Effects will bring their unique sound – which combines elements of 80’s post‐punk and new wave, modern pop, and indie – to venues all over the southeast. 

Led by main songwriter Amber Taylor, a dynamic presence whose experiences as a transgendered person color the lyrical narrative, the group—also including Rob Hulsman (drums), Mike Sidner (bass), and Will Thigpen (guitar)—are on a mission to touch hearts and minds with Taylor’s message, while captivating eardrums with the band’s innovative sound.

Showcasing the characteristic dynamism of their live shows, the tour will have many eccentricities. In Macon, Georgia, their show will be themed like a Rock n Roll Carnival, complete with burlesque and circus performers.

Frankly, I can’t think of anything more fitting after a Roaring 20’s party. I spoke with Kristen Thompson O’Neal from The Hummingbird about the event and she told me they are literally taking down parts of The Bird in order to install the equipment needed for this show. It’s going to be absolutely crazy- in a very, very good way.

So. Poetry. Party. And party some more.

And now bed- I gotta get up early tomorrow for a photo shoot. Later gator peeps.


Love to all yall,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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