It’s a Good Macon Day

Today I am especially proud to be a Macon girl.


I’m proud pretty much every day, but I’m really proud today. And it’s of something I wasn’t particularly involved in, but got to watch unfold. For anyone in town who is on the Friends of Tattnall Square Park Facebook group, you’ve likely watched everything unfold as well.


This is one of those moments when so much hard work pays off.


A glorious fountain was revealed to the community yesterday. We watched as funds for the project were announced, and we watched as it was built piece by piece. Everyone from large donors like The Knight Foundation & Mercer University were involved to Eliza Grace- a student who wanted to sell her books to raise funds. Everyone who bought a brick, everyone who watched and commented along the progress, contractors who donated their time and efforts, people from all walks of Macon life were involved.


There are quotes along the base from those famous around the world, as well as those who may just be famous here in our communty like Sam Oni & Bert Bivins.


I learned during the ceremony that the goal was to make this the most beautiful municipal park in all of Georgia- better than Forsyth in Savannah, better than Piedmont in Atlanta. You can see my saved Periscope broadcast of it here: Dedication of Tattnall Park Fountain.


This wasn’t just a white or black thing, young or old. It was a diverse crowd that came to watch the fountain come alive. To hear the students from Alexander II chant ” Wake up little froggies. Gone is the dark. Come turn on the fountain. And look at your park!”


My Facebook feed filled with so many people’s images of the park and it’s fountain.


Photo by Brent Meyers, posted to the Friends of Tattnall Square Park Facebook page
Photo by Brent Meyers, posted to the Friends of Tattnall Square Park Facebook page


Photo by Christen Holloway, posted to the Friends of Tattnall Square Park Facebook page
Photo by Christen Holloway, posted to the Friends of Tattnall Square Park Facebook page


Macon, these are the moments when I am reminded how much I love you. As fun as Atlanta has been, I’m glad I never made it my home. I know there are some who thought I moved there, perhaps now is the time to clarify that I did not. In fact, I live but a stones throw from this park. I feel so priviledged to be able to. Perhaps it’s fitting that now I feel like I can say this: my time in Atlanta, even just a couple of days a week, is starting to perhaps near it’s end. For various reasons, my role with The Southern Weekend will turn into more of a freelance role rather than an every day one come the beginning of the year.


I have another venture that has come my way in Macon, thankfully. One I am looking forward to telling y’all about very soon. It’ll be something new and slightly different for me, but I am nonetheless excited for it. And my hope is that it will allow me, financially, to do even more with Southern Bon Vivant. To tell more stories that matter. The stories that might not be really big, or grand, but that still matter. I believe strongly that everyone has a story, everyone has a role. Yesterday’s ceremony for Tattnall Square Park only allowed me to see it that much clearer.




Really, truly, my love to all y’all,




Note: there is talk of another brick fundraiser to pay for a new sidewalk leading up to the fountain. You can follow the conversation here on their Facebook page. Local photographer Michael Williams has also volunteered to replicate this photo he took for those buying bricks. One more reason I love this town!


Photo by Michael Williams, posted to the Friends of Tattnall Square Park Facebook page
Photo by Michael Williams, posted to the Friends of Tattnall Square Park Facebook page

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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