I’m a Believer: Thomas Wynne and the Believers

During Bragg Jam I attempted to cover as many bands as I could, I think I made it to about 10 acts. That’s kind of stupid to do all in one night. My article will appear later in the Mercer student newspaper, The Cluster, however there was one band I was just pissed off to miss and that’s Thomas Wynn and the Believers.

In the craziness that is Bragg Jam, I did my research before hand and I knew there was a band at Grant’s that everyone wanted to see- but somehow just got my schedule crossed and missed them. Then Roger Riddle tweeted to me about how much he really enjoyed them and they pretty much brought down the house at Grant’s Lounge:


You probably can’t see the whole thread, but regardless everyone was raving about them. Luckily, myself and everyone else who missed them get another chance because they will be playing for Weaver’s Weekend on August 24th at The Crazy Bull. I’ll blog more about the event itself later but for now it’s about the music.

I’m not really a music writer per se, but I did grow up with music very much being a part of my life. My dad was “the cool dad” who would, like, CRANK UP the radio and my brother and I would scream and laugh and run around and dance. There are also some stories of dad attending the, um, Byron Pop Festival. (Let me add- I was well in to my adulthood before I really understood what all went on there.) Dad frankly raised me right- DON’T TELL HIM I SAID THAT- when it came to music. It was all Allman Brothers and Three Dog Night and CCR…. so when I sat down to really listen Thomas Wynne and the Believers I was hooked. I’ve listened to their entire Spotify list two times through in a row (also been distracted in a Twitter ass beating with Roger Riddle versus someone who shall remain nameless for his own sake).

Lead singer Thomas Wynne seriously at times sounds just like CCR’s lead singer John Fogerty- but to put it to the real taste I had my dad come downstairs and listen to “Brothers and Sisters”. From the first note out of Thomas Wynne’s mouth my dad said ” It sounds like CCR”. Boom. I told Dad more about the band and their story and he went on to say that he didn’t know a lot about the backstories of the bands and all he did was drive up to hear the Allman Brothers play and all he did was listen- rather than really study them. But that’s another post for another time (Dude – I’m learning a LOT right now).

The point of all this? I’m a convert, I’m a believer for reals yall. Hell so are both of my parents. Get out to Weaver’s Weekend, I’ll blog more later about that. But yeah- Thomas Wynne and the Believers have, in my own humble opinion, brought back the rise of Southern Rock.


Love to all yall,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

5 thoughts on “I’m a Believer: Thomas Wynne and the Believers

  • August 9, 2013 at 8:31 am

    I first heard them preparing mentally for Bear Creek Music Festival last year. Before I attend festivals, I try to listen to every artist on the line-up. I start at the top of the list and make my way down, when I got to the T’s my life changed. Their Off The Avenue videos on Youtube just blew me away and I too listened to them over and over again on Spotify. Now I have all their albums and even found some live and acoustic stuff from them on Bandcamp. Can’t wait to see them again.

    • August 9, 2013 at 3:02 pm

      Me too! I can’t get enough of them to be honest. I hope we can get them here more often also.

  • August 9, 2013 at 8:51 am

    Molly, you hit the nail on the head! You need to see this band again and again! See them as many times as you can! Every show will impress you! I promise, I was at Bragg Jam, you missed a great set! I was introduced to TW&TB last year, I’ve seen them about a dozen times now, every show is so good! Songs choices are different each time, never heard the same set list, I don’t think? I don’t write it down, but I can say that their random selection is so awesome, you don’t have to worry about seeing the same show over and over! Have fun at Weaver’s Weekend!

    • August 9, 2013 at 3:03 pm

      Thanks Larry! Are you going to Weaver’s Weekend as well? I’m so excited to see them in person. I’m going to have to clear out my iPhone so I can capture some decent videos as well. lol

  • Pingback: They All Start Somewhere | Bragg Jam- My Picks | Make It Work Molly

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