I Got To Meet Coach Bill Curry: United Way Kickoff 2013

I never in my life would have thought I’d brag about meeting a Tech coach.

No one within the state of Georgia needs for me to elaborate what I mean when I say that either- “Tech” is said with this certain venom almost from any UGA fan. But, my cousin, Pete Wellborn, played there… so for me it’s more about this inside family rivalry. In our house you only went to a few colleges: Mercer, Wesleyan, UGA or Tech. Not many went to “Tech”. In fact when you go to the Wellborn home on Spring Street it is filled with both UGA and Tech fan gear.

Let me preface this for a little bit: for the next few months I am blessed to work with the United Way of Central Georgia as a Loaned Executive. I have learned SO MUCH in the past week. I feel like I am pretty well “in the know” about local charities and events and what they do for the area. However until you really get on the ground and take a hands on look- you aren’t as aware as you might think.

Last week I got to go and tour various agencies that partner with the United Way of Central Georgia. I’m sure yall know I am very involved in philanthropic activities in Macon, but I learned about some that I was not aware of such as Happy Hour in Warner Robins, which serves those who have a range of mental disabilities; the Middle Georgia Food Bank, which I had visited once before but got the full tour this time- it’s HUGE and they go through their entire inventory in 8 weeks because our need is so great; the Boys and Girls club– an organization with which I am familiar with but had not been to; and so very many more.

This morning- I was late. I HATE BEING LATE. Especially when everyone else was in at like 5:30 to get set up. It wasn’t for lack of effort on my part- no. I set my alarm for 4:30. Yeah. I’m a champion. I can do this.

I slept through it. Now let me say I did go to sleep at like 1 am, I had class last night and got home late and worked on a paper for school and also an assignment for The Telegraph AND assignments for The Cluster. (Sometimes I think my life is “a cluster” Jesus I do too much.) So yeah. I fell short.

Then as I raced to the event- I went to the wrong place, almost ran out of gas. Etc. etc. But I got there.

Ha wait- I didn’t tell yall yet what I was going to, did I? It was the United Way of Central Georgia’s 2013 Campaign Kickoff event. This breakfast featured Frank Malloy of 13WMAZ as Master of Ceremonies, a video called United Way’s Got Talent by Tabitha Walker, the campaign video produced by 13WMAZ and the keynote speaker was Coach Bill Curry.

So I’m walking in, late, flustered, and I get my camera out cause well I’m going to try and go the extra mile and be useful.

I’m messing with the camera and next thing I know: ” You’re going to get some great pictures with that [the lens] still on. I’ve gotten a few of those myself.” Coach Bill Curry, speaking to me. I gotta admit, I was awestruck. And I nervously told him “um… we have a mutual acquaintance, I think you know my cousin Pete Wellborn” ( no damn kidding they have a business together). And of course he said what you might expect, yes of course they know each other, he holds him in high regard. I really don’t remember cause I was just kind of in shock and star struck. For my Yankee readers, we hold our college football coaches up like movie stars here.

His speech was amazing, aside from the fact that he mentioned my cousin Pete Wellborn (who I am infinitely proud to be related to), it was truly moving. Whether you are a Christian or not, we have a responsibility from our Creator –  whether you call him/her/whichever God or not- to care for one another. Even if you don’t believe that, there is a real economic impact. It makes sense that when people who cannot for whatever reason care for their own emotional and physical needs that they cannot be fully contributing members of our society. When they do receive assistance, then that comes back to us ten fold.

This years United Way theme is “Change the Story”. We can all change the story here for our community. The money raised stays here. Did you know that in some states, the number of prisons to be built is determined on the reading scores OF THIRD GRADERS?! I was told this today by Jeff Battcher, who also works with Coach Curry and Pete. I couldn’t believe it so I Googled it and found this newsletter from the Nevada Department of Corrections which said the same.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time we take our communities back. United Way does this by supporting partner agencies that can assist those that need help. It’s not their board that decides where funds go, it’s volunteers who carefully evaluate the funds collected. We even did a practice exercise to see how these volunteers do this, how they pour over audits and other information to decide these things. Just a couple of dollars out of your paycheck each pay period can make a huge difference. Or you can do like I did by accident once, and give even $10 or $20 per paycheck and be a Leadership Giver (that’s a whole other blog post).

If you would like to contribute, please email me, Facebook me, Tweet to me hell call me at United Way I don’t care. Together, we CAN Change OUR Story. Because it is our story, after all.


Love to all yall,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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