I Can’t Hate Orange In The Fall Anymore

Damn it. Orange in the fall generally says a few things: Auburn, Florida, Tennessee, Clemson. Blech. I bleed Red and Black in the fall however- however THIS fall in fact this Saturday I have to add orange to my blood.

Really the orange has already been there, just not in the football arena. Mercer Football is back and let me tell yall I am sooooooo thrilled that this whole town has embraced it. Sold out in 30 minutes for tickets, then again for the grass seats, and the line for student tickets was insane.

So usually during football season, myself and my kids dress to the nine’s in full red and black because I’m a HUGE Georgia fan. Huge. Like… stupid obnoxious fan who should be drunk while screaming but I’m dead ass sober. But with Mercer Football I have had to integrate orange in to my wardrobe. (I did go to the Mercer bookstore and get my babies the Mercer Cheerleader uniform and t shirts and hats. SO CUTE!)

DressU Boutique was kind enough to reach out to me and give me a few dresses to try out- one of which is pictured below. What I like about it is it’s cotton and breathes easily AND I can accessorize it however I like. (Just ignore the ugly Auburn/Florida blue necklace paired with it.) Plus once it gets colder I can easily add boots and a coat:


Above outfit from DressU Boutique, based in Kennesaw and available online. ** Thank you Jamie for pointing out the need for maternity wear! This dress has an empire waist and can totally translate to maternity. Love you!


Guess what? Football SEASON has multiple game. What does that mean? MORE SHOPPING!!! (But you knew this….)

One thing I LOVE about football in the South (except Florida and LSU- yuck) is the guys and gals get all gussied up. Yaaaaaay. I’m loving the orange belt below from Karats and Keepsakes with the studded dress. The dress can be worn to cocktail parties also:

Above outfits are at Karats and Keepsakes Boutique in Macon.


Now, I have a unique problem that maybe you will face for a different reason.

I might have to wear pants. Because I do write for the Mercer student paper, The Cluster, and I might need to cover games. I can’t really get proper notes or photos in a dress. Rumor has this shirt that would easily transition from summer to fall AND I CAN WEAR IT WITH PANTS! Joy! And look cute!


Above outfit at Rumor Boutique in Macon.


But what about orange blazers? If you want to be a little on the dressy side and not wear the usual black coat or blazer fab’rik has an orange blazer! They JUST posted it, and it’s actually really cute with this print top and shorts! Blazers and dressy shorts are going to be a big trend very soon. Trust me. Would I lie to you? (Um- no.)

Above outfit is from fab’rik  in Macon.

What about the guys? Two bowtie companies make awesome bowties- love love love this look on the men:

Above tie is from Brier and Moss.

 Above tie from The Knot Co. (link is to their direct website, but click here for Etsy store). Also available in limited supply at Bowen Brothers in Macon.

So, I’m going to plead with y’all- let’s look cute at the game! Not that you won’t but there are too many options not to!

Can’t wait to see yall at the game! Come and find me and I’ll take your picture to post here of your fantastic fashions!!

And- don’t forget to tailgate with The Whitlock Foundation and attend the First Annual Patriot’s Ball Friday night! 

Love to all yall,


GO BEARS! (and GO DAWGS- I’ll save that post for later….)

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 972 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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