Going To Buy a Bike for the Bike Parade!!

Well, sort of.


I’ve been toying with the idea of buying a bike for a little while now and all of last week’s running around, basically in close proximity to one another, convinced me I need a bike. Pretty much all of my running arounds- without my kids of course- all happen within a 2 miles radius of each other. What sense does it make for me to spend money on gas when I could be saving that money AND getting in better shape?!


Pretty much zero sense, I tell ya.


So I posted on my Facebook that I was bike shopping and lo and behold turns out a friend offered to sell me her bike. It’s kismet, I tell ya. (Sensing a pattern here? I’m clearly also feeling sassy today.)


Turns out my timing couldn’t be more perfect, as there’s a huge bike parade happening this upcoming Sunday.




From the Facebook page:

“Join us for the opening remarks and kickoff of Macon’s first ever Open Streets followed by a green-themed bicycle parade. 

This is a family friendly 2.5 mile ride to Anthony Road for riders of all ages and abilities. We’ll be celebrating clean, green, zero emission bicyle transportation, exploring several Macon neighborhoods along College St, and getting a glimpse of all the Open Streets Macon activities along the way. 

Meet at Walnut St. and College St. at 1:30 PM! There will be FREE bike decorating for the first 30 people to arrive. Everyone is encouraged to dress up and decorate your bicycle. Get creative and think green!

The bike parade will start after opening remarks, scheduled to begin at 2:30 PM.”


Here’s what the layout looks like:




Doesn’t that look fun?!


More information is avaialble on the Bike Macon website, such as vendors, activities, and a whole lot more. This is huge y’all! From their website:


“Imagine a street full of people of all ages and backgrounds, walking, biking, creating and laughing, together. A street temporarily closed to cars, but open to people. Imagine residents safely enjoying their city, socializing with neighbors, and engaging in healthy activities. Imagine if all of this were free, with absolutely no barriers to participation. By the people, for the people. Sound good yet? We are turning this vision into a reality by organizing the first-ever Open Streets Macon.

Open Streets Macon takes a valuable public space – our city’s streets – and opens them up for people to play, walk, bike, breathe, and make their own.

Modeled on tremendously successful events from around the world, including Bogotá, Colombia’s Ciclovia; Paris, France’s Paris Plage; and San Francisco’s Sunday’s Streets, Open Streets Macon will be part bike tour, part block party, and a great time for getting active, interacting with your neighbors, and enjoying our amazing city. Bring your bicycle or just your feet, and get ready to explore your community in a safer, healthier, more livable way.”


Want more information? Here’s a cool video:


But seriously, go and check it out and make your plans to come out Sunday for this event. I’m hoping to be out there with a brand-new-to-me-bike! Wish me luck….


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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