Girl Meets City: Savannah Fashion Week Overview Afterwards

I still need to write blog posts regarding SFW Days 3, 4, and 5. And, sadly, I cannot make today’s events (yes! there is still more!) BUT I had to go ahead and write an overall post about my overall impression afterwards.

First of all- I will be sponsoring this again next year. From a business point of view, if you are in this industry in any form you are -frankly- not very bright to not do so. Even if it’s just in a small way I saw this as a long term investment in my business. If you are in this industry it’s a very easy way to market what you are doing.




Also, SFW has a charitable end which gives scholarships to worthy students in this field. It is SO important that we support the creative arts, and fashion is most certainly a form of this. I have always said that fashion is moveable, breathable, living art work. I completely believe this.




There’s also the fact that everyone here was SO NICE and welcoming- not that I expected anything less from the residents of the Hostess City, but it was just lovely how many times people would say thank you for my sponsorship and for the coverage on this blog- and yet I feel like I did not do enough.

Then there were the parties, the food, the trunk shows and interacting with the designers themselves and getting to talk to them about their aesthetic and their vision for where they are going…. I am so overwhelmed with everything and with trying to put it all in to writing about how much FUN I had.

The runway show was just beautiful, even with less than the cooperation of the weather, and it was amazing to see so many different people and vendors come together to pull this off.

And then there are the ladies (and gentlemen) behind this. Tara, who owns Custard Boutique, is so much fun. I love talking to her and getting her viewpoints on style. And let me tell you- the night of the runway show she was ON IT. Incredibly efficient and on point. Brianne and Andy, who promoted the events and without whom I could not have gotten all of the interviews with these designers and were just flawless throughout.

Melody, Chris, Elizabeth, and Jonathan- who were the Munn Brothers Team. Gosh I cannot wait to see that video! I love that my collaboration with them came about by chance- when my friend Tess could not design my logo but referred me to Melody- who as it would turn out later- knows Heather and also my friend Rachel who came with me. Melody would also encourage me to be a sponsor and without her to design my ad and other materials- I would be lost without her.

My dear friend Rachel, who would join me on Thursday night despite having a VERY hectic day, and having to drive all night with her boyfriend afterwards to Kentucky for the Derby- girl I know you didn’t really have time for all of this but the show would not have been the same without you to provide running commentary with me. And Joseph, I’m so so glad we met! I know we will stay in touch. And you looked dapper, just as any Southern Gentleman should.




My own girls, Elizabeth and Gillian, who would photograph the events and so much more. Elizabeth whose bright eyed innocence of the world in general kept me laughing throughout, and Gillian who would keep me calm and together when I started to scatter- as well as drive me down that last time.

Then there is Heather, just one of the sweetest most genuine people I know. Who would have ever thought that our chance meeting in Athens all those years ago (ahem- I mean, just a few years ago, when we were in college, yeah, sure) when she told me her dream to open up BleuBelle- that we would still be connected now and working with one another.

This was a week that was truly magical for me. While I missed being with my family Wednesday and Thursday, and was exhausted from driving back and forth Monday and Tuesday in order to be with my babies, this was simply amazing. Getting to meet all of these designers and interact with all of the creative peoples of Savannah- I know I have made friends for life. I cannot wait until I am in town again to see all of you soon, Savannah has always had a special place in my heart but even more so now.

Savannah- your charm has permanently enraptured me, and your love of fashion is one to match my own.



Love to all y’all



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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