Girl Meets City: Savannah Fashion Week

I love discovering new parts of places I have been before. So- pair that with supporting local businesses, fashion, and food? Done!

I drove the three and a half hours last night to the city of Savannah for the kick off of Savannah Fashion Week. I walked around downtown last night and just kind of took it all in. I loved seeing Ellis Square so alive with people and families of all ages, playing in the water fountains and listening to the live music coming from City Market. I’m not sure if this is something that happens every Sunday or if it was a special event but I’d love to see downtown Macon incorporate something similar!








Today I would rise and shine early to hit the gym at my hotel and then hurry along to the press conference where Mayor Edna Jackson would be awarded the first Savannah Fashion Advocate award. I did not have the chance to speak to her but I was interviewed by WJCL’s Somara Theodore– so hopefully I’ll make it on the news tonight! (Savannah friends feel free to look for me! My first media coverage by a news outlet in Savannah- pretty cool, right?)




Afterwards, I would stop in Zia Boutique and learn about their new jewelry line ” Uno de 50″ from Spain. This line only makes 50 pieces of each item around to world so if you see something you want- you’d better order it quickly! Also, their silver pieces are dipped 15 times, as opposed to the usual just a few times- according to store owner and jewelry designer Zia Sachedina. It was also super cool to see the pieces that Sachedina has designed and made himself. He will also have some pieces in the runway show on Thursday.





I then stepped in to Satchel to take a look at their trunk show and to see what they were doing. I have to admit- I came out of there with a future Christmas present for someone in my family: this beautiful tassel which can be either a keyring or even just a fun way to accessorize one’s purse. Which I had never thought of doing! See- Savannah Fashion Week is already inspiring me.




While there I would bump in to the co-owner of Red Clover Boutique and Harper- their new clothing store, which I had not heard about. Of course I would walk down to both locations to check them out and found way too much cute clothing for my wallet to handle.






It was at this time that I realized- wow, I’ve walked a really long way and didn’t even think about it. Savannah really is an easy walking town. Which shouldn’t be surprise but I was aided by scoring 5 hour parking this time. Boom.

Now, I’m having lunch at Butter Head Greens Cafe, which Jessica at Red Clover told me about. (And she’s from Macon y’all! I love when that happens.) She said they are very much about using local produce and meats. Again, boom. But I almost took a detour when I realized it was right by Foxy Loxy, whose tacos I fell in love with on my last trip. But for the sake of you, my readers, I made myself branch out.




And I’m glad I did. I got the Flightless Heaven sandwich: mesquite smoked turkey with house marinated red onion, oven roasted tomato puree, house made sage sauce and havarti cheese. Yum. With sweet potato salad- which is not what I expected. It’s cold, and almost tastes like it has mustard in it. It’s good don’t get me wrong I think I’m just used to anything with sweet potatoes to be covered in brown sugar and marshmallows. This version, I would suspect, is a lot better for you.




Oh and- may I note- I’ve only stopped for coffee ONCE and it’s here at Butterhead. Unlike my last visit to Savannah. (Lookin at you- Melody.)

What’s up next? The Diane von Furstenburg trunk show at BleuBelle- and then I’m on the road again back home to my sweet babies. I’ll have more tomorrow! Barring any bad weather, of course.


Love to all y’all- live from Savannah!!!



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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