Girl Meets City: Forsyth, Georgia

I started this post over a year ago.


And then some mishaps happened. My videographer up and vanished (actually he switched jobs & moved & left no forwarding contact info AND defriended me on Facebook). My photographer, who I’ve worked with a lot, accidentally lost the raw photos. 🙁


But, given all the new businesses that have come to Forsyth since then, I consider it a blessing!


So this Girl Meets City will be a little different in that I had to make more than one trip to cover all the places I wanted to, and because I had to retrace my steps from the first one. Come along with me, I can’t wait to show y’all all the reasons I’ve fallen in love with this adorable town.


Of course, the first stop is always for coffee. Gotta fuel up for the day, right?! I stopped by the Bluetick Mercantile Company for fresh coffee and fresh- made right there in front of me- pastries.


From here, it’s off to Magnolia Medical Spa for a morning of relaxing and pampering. A good thing to start with is their foot detox, which pulls all KINDS of toxins out of your body. I will get this before every flight I get on from here out- because I had one before flying to Washington D.C. and it’s the first time I’ve come home after a flight and not gotten sick. Can I say it was for sure because of that? No, but I really think that might have helped.


They offer all kinds of services, like Botox, and eyelash extension, and B-12 shots. They even brought even celebrity stylists to get clients ready for New Year’s Eve. How cool is that?!


After a morning of pampering, what’s a girl to do? THIS girl likes, no- loves, to shop. After all this website first started as a spin-off from my fashion & shopping column in a local magazine.


Sage & Sparrow is just the cutest little boutique ever- and given that Forsyth is a quick run up the highway from me, I can find myself going there often quite easily.


For lunch, it’s a stop at Jonah’s on Johnston- which is one of the places we visited originally- and I’ve been there before! And written about them! Look:


You can never go wrong with pizza, and Jonah’s never disappoints. It’s a must stop place.


Walk on up the street to make your way to High Cotton, a super cute boutique that I refer to as one of those places that every Southern town has. You can get paint there, you can get coffee table books, you can get gifts. Y’all know exactly what I mean.

So, you’ve had coffee. You’ve had lunch. You’ve been pampered and have shopped and it’s all centered around this one city square. What else is there to do?


Plenty, my friends, plenty.


If there’s a show at the Rose Theatre, I would check it out. The Backlot Players, which call the Rose home, have a fantastic reputation for putting on great shows. Sadly for me, both times I went to Forsyth, there wasn’t a show happening.



For dinner, I could have gone to the brand new Italian restaurant- which was completely full that evening- but I knew I had to go back to where I had lunch the year prior when I first attempted this project. The one and only Grits Cafe.


Now, I love Grits for both an upscale lunch as well as for dinner. For lunch, I love their Duck Pizza:


And at either lunch OR dinner- the Grits Martini is always a winning choice!


Shrimp & grits? But, of course!! #GirlMeetsForsyth

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I got the salmon for dinner- being sold when I heard there was a blackeyed pea cake as a part of it. Blackeyed peas are a favorite of mine 🙂 And while I don’t generally love bread pudding, their’s is absolutely amazing.


That was the end of my journey to Forsyth, but there’s still even more to do all over Forsyth & Monroe County! There’s High Falls, there’s Juliette… there’s so much to see, eat, and do. And this beautiful part of Georgia just keeps growing. I’m really excited to see what else comes to town, and I know I’ll be back often.



Love to all y’all,





Bluetick Mercantile Company
12 W. Main Street
Forsyth, GA 31029

Magnolia Medical Spa
10 N. Jackson St.
Forsyth, GA 31029

Sage & Sparrow 
19 E. Johnson St.
Forsyth, GA 31029

Jonah’s on Johnston
26 E. Johnston St.
Forsyth, GA 31029

High Cotton Uptown
48 N. Jackson St.
Forsyth, GA 31029

The Backlot Players/The Rose Theatre
23 W. Johnston St.
Forsyth, GA 31029

Grits Cafe
17 W. Johnston St.
Forsyth, GA 31029

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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