Design, Wine, & Dine: Interview with Mark Ballard and Recap of Day 1

Phew! Design, Wine, & Dine just kicked off last night with the Preview Party and advance tour of the home- and today was Day 1 of the sessions with presenters. We’ve got a recap of all of it for you as well as an interview with the amazing Mark Ballard that one of our Food writers, Katie Hall, did. So let’s get started, shall we?


DWD kicked off Thursday, March 6th with an amazing soiree and I’m pretty sure I saw most of Macon there. Friends such as Ned and Priscilla Esser, Dr. Shahriar and Beth Sedghi, Steve and Amy Moretti, Mandy Miller, Katie Hall, Bill Reynolds and Scott Mitchell, Laurie and Ashton Windham, Chris Howard and Carey Pickard, Joe and Evelyn Adams and so many more. And of course the fabulous designers such as Brooke Merrill, Canaan Marshall, Tracey Benton Toney, Suzanne Schilling, Bonnie Starr, Katherine Walden, etc.





And then, of course, there was the Design House itself, which actually consists of a one bedroom apartment, a studio apartment, and a two bedroom apartment as well as a commercial space- which is currently the DWD gift shop.


I’m always amazed and inspired whenever I go in to these spaces. It makes me want to completely re-do my own home! Upon entering the foyer we are greeted with what I could immediately see were Joe Adams’ beautiful paintings. It is a goal of mine to own one someday- and make the space for it later!




( Foyer designed by Joe Adams.)



The first level one bedroom living space was decorated by Valorie Lewis and Judy Hodgens, the bedroom by Katherine Walden, and bathroom by Susan Raza.











It’s always amazing to me to see what designers can do with what seem to be smaller spaces. I’m absolutely envious of whoever ends up with these spaces.


The stairwell was decorated by Suzanne Rogers, the upstairs hallways by Jessica Bailey, the second floor studio by Canaan Marshall and Brooke Merrill, the entryway for the two bedroom apartment by Tracey Benton Toney, the bedroom by Martha McKay Maxwell, the nursery by Andrea Proctor, and the living space by Bonnie Starr and Suzanne Schilling.
































Holy Sweet Baby Jesus y’all- these apartments are amazing. And I love that they will also be owner occupied. And that my membership to Historic Macon helps to contribute to something this beautiful in my hometown, that it really goes to make a difference and helping someone live downtown and renovate these spaces which deserve to be saved. I mean, just look at what these designers have done! And trust me, my photos do not do it justice. You need to take a tour, quickly, before the properties are sold!







Now, aside from the Design House, we have special presentations. Today was the first day of those, and one of our food writers, Katie Hall, had the chance to interview Mark Ballard about his presentation as well as his principles of design!






Katie: What will you be focusing on in your presentation this year?

MB: The art of making Southern biscuits.  I’ll take my granny’s basic biscuit recipe and make three different types of biscuits – regular, pimento cheese and herbed.


(Editor’s Note: I wasn’t able to make it to the beginning of Mark’s presentation, but I did take it in time to eat the biscuits! And GOOD LORD- if you ever have the chance to go to one of these presentations do it. I really hope Historic Macon makes this a staple of DWD! – Molly)





Katie: How many years have you been participating with Historic Macon in their design house/Design Wine and Dine?

MB: Over the last 20 years, designers have used my artwork in the design house.  I was involved in the inaugural Design, Wine and Dine last year as the host and this year as a presenter.


Katie: Can you give us a preview of what you’re presentation will be like?

MB: Very informative and very fun.  The audience will be involved and will have the opportunity to taste the biscuits after the presentation.  And, of course, I’ll tell some stories to go along with the presentation.


Katie: What types of materials, colors, textures are you gravitating towards this Spring?

MB: I just finished by Cherry Blossom tee shirt design.  And, it reflects some of my favorite colors – pink in all shades, lime green and other greens… happy colors!


Katie: What other celebrity presentations or after hours series are you most looking forward to attending?

MB: I enjoyed all the presentations last year and am looking forward to all of them this year. I got so many great ideas from last year’s presenters.  If I have to name a couple, they would be Vince Dooley and Andy Husbands.  I’ve been friends with Vince and Barbara for a number of years and they are fascinating people.  My wife Debra and I met Andy last year and we just hit it off.


Katie: This year, since the Design House is actually a loft space, how do you recommend for people to utilize a smaller space in terms of decorating? (Editor’s Note: The Design House is three spaces, one two bedroom, one one bedroom and one studio.)

MB: Do what you love!  And, remember, just because the space may be smaller, it doesn’t mean that you have to use “miniature” pieces or subtle colors.  Since you don’t have as much room, every piece and color and texture choice matters more.  Wherever you live, the décor should reflect who you are and what you love!


Katie: What we love and treasure about your style is the elegance and beauty that you always bring to traditional decor, whether it’s an over the top Christmas tree or a hand painted plate, you always utilize color and material in such a gorgeous way. What do you think about the more contemporary/minimalist trend that seems to be surfacing? Has it swayed your style-preferences in any way?

MB: Not really.  Now, if a client wants to go that route, I can certainly assist them.  However, it’s just really not me!  Our son Blake lives in a fairly small space in Atlanta and he is definitely into the contemporary and uses beige, black, white and a pop of red.  I love it for him but not for me.  Sometimes when I walk into a space decorated in that style, I think “you’re not finished! You just have the first layer!”



Aside from Mark Ballard’s presentation, he is also serving as the emcee for the other presenters! Today it was William Cummings, Jr.- and I have to note, I have one of his books! And I almost died when I realized he is a Macon native. #happydance We also had today the one and only Coach Dooley, and Mrs. Barbara came, too! It was so lovely to meet them both and to tell them how much we enjoyed getting to interview Coach here. Coach even gave me a hug 😉





And Mrs. Barbara? I will have to have a post later just on her outfit because she looked amazing and so trendy! Not that I expected any less.


Then we had Chef Andy Husbands, and it was so lovely to get to meet his fiancee. Note: I had my kiddos with me at this point and my daughter just fell in love with her. Not to even mention his grilling presentation! Good lord. And the always lovely Tim McNally gave his Wine, Dine, and Spirits show. His knowledge base on wine is just incredible.





So, if you missed any of these today guess what? You still have tomorrow! Tomorrow we have William Cummings speaking again ( would I be too much of a dork to bring my book and ask him to autograph it?), Chadwick Boyd speaks on Entertaining with Vegetables, Jessica Harris on Quick Caribbean Cocktails, and Tim McNally again on Wine Dirt. Then, the amazing Chef’s Table with Andy Husbands, which we highlighted here previously during our interview with him.



Will I see you at Design. Wine, & Dine? I certainly hope so!



Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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