Day Two of the Macon Film Festival

The thing about the Macon Film Festival is I’m always super bummed that I didn’t just take the days off from work so I can go to each film I want to see at my leisure and not have to miss any.


The fact of the matter is, even if I did take off time from work, there would still be some I end up missing. Because there’s always something awesome to be seen.


This film festival, my schedule completely prevented me from seeing anything on the first day. Which sucks because then I had to try and figure out everything for two days.


Then today, there’s this little thing called being a parent that got in the way. Although, I did get to take my kiddos to see part of one movie: Born River Bye. I say part of it because this movie, filmed in Macon, had a LOT of adult themes. But I want determined to let them see it because it was the second movie my daughter was in, and with a speaking part.


This was also the chance for her to learn that even though she filmed for a few hours, it got cut down to literally 10 seconds. But she heard from a couple of people that she did very well (I’m biased- yes- but I think she did as well) which perked her up! And technically, my son was in it as well. Because our former home was used in the filming, and there was a photo of him when he was younger that made it into a scene, and he got to see that.


I did get a little window of time this afternoon while my kiddos were playing with their grandparents to catch some of the shorts at Theatre Macon. The thing that I never knew about short films, until I attended this festival a few years ago, was how much of a story could be packed into such a short amount of time.


I think that’s the thing that’s cool about these festivals for local people. We may not travel the country or the world checking out film festivals, or music festivals, or whatever- but we get the chance to be exposed to something new. Something that would never make it into a large movie theatre. That we might not even catch on Netflix.


Aside from all that, I really wanted to see Birthday Cake tonight:

“Set in the deep south, Birdie marks the first anniversary of leaving her abusive lover, Donnie, with a ceremonial candle on a cake. One by one, her fellow survivors leave for the night, and Birdie is left to mourn the love she left behind with her abuser. As the evening unfurls, Birdie will be confronted by more than an aching heart in this Southern Gothic thriller.

A haunting story of love, survival and the complexities found in relationships, this film examines modern domestic violence in a way that is seldom explored. An important film that promises to linger with viewers, Birthday Cake is as captivating as it is powerful.”


Tonight was the last chance to see it. I guess I’ll have to try and find it somewhere. As for tomorrow, it’s a new day, and I’ve got a full day of movies lined up to watch.


Love to all y’all,




(photo from the Birthday Cake Facebook page)



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 968 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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