Dancing My Night Away

I don’t know what it is about my weekends- whenever I say “oh, I have nothing to do this weekend” or ” I don’t have AS MUCH to do with weekend” or even this “I’m going to get some REAL WORK done this weekend” it never happens. Ever. My weekends always blow up on me.

This weekend the plan was t ball, do some shopping with my kids, go to the Dancing with the Stars fundraiser, and get some work done. Getting work done meaning do stuff for my actual 9-5 job as well as complete some product reviews for this lil ol’ thing yall are reading now. <sigh> Needless to say, I got sidetracked, but in a good way.

The rain swept away the t ball game to be rescheduled. Instead, blanket tents and movies happened inside. A trip to a very crowded Chic Fil A for lunch to run out the energy. We meant to go to the Cox for their family movie day, but since we had planned on t ball I didn’t really plan for the movies and we got sidetracked, sadly.

However, Saturday night did bring the Dancing With the Stars of Central Georgia fundraiser for Alzheimer’s. My great-grandmother suffered from this disease, so it holds a special place in my heart.

Many of my friends were dancing and raising money. This group raised nearly $200,000 in ten weeks. That’s a hell of a lot of money. Especially in such a small period of time.


I gotta admit- I have about a hundred dresses to choose from for any given event. But cocktail dresses and events are the most fun! This one I got at fab’rik about 3 years ago and I like to call it “my version of the Carrie Bradshaw ‘Naked Dress’ from Sex and the City”. Do yall remember that episode? Here’s a link:


Here are some other pop culture references to this dress, although there are many more:




I’m pretty sure I managed to carry off just enough sexy in the dress without being overly slutty, as apparently some reviews said of Ms. Bradshaw. What do yall think?

My old friend, Brandon, from college was my gracious date for the evening. We also, through a series of interesting ticket incidents, ended up sitting with some of my friends from the Junior League of Macon.

But the best part? Not the dancing, although I gotta admit watching Mark Ballard and Colby (who once taught me a few moves) Marshall-Zampa go Gangnam Style was pretty damn priceless, not catching up with an old friend… none of that. It was coming home to see my son hadn’t quite gone to sleep yet and his excitement when he saw me pull in the driveway.

And even better? Spending Sunday going on a neighborhood walking adventure with my sweet babies. Watching their little minds work. All of that.


Love to all yall….



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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