Bittersweet Bragg Jam 2015

I should be typing another 500 words on my essay due for my MFA class tomorrow, but I can’t. I’ve got all these other words in my head.


So many friends are leaving- it’s really just a few people but they play such a large role in my life and in my heart that it feels like half of Macon is up and leaving. Maybe even more.


It all started when Angel announced her move to Alaska. And then Roger to Akron. Jen to San Francisco. Melanie to North Carolina.


Jen is already gone, someone who I wish I had gotten to know better before she left- but since I am now leasing her home I’m sure I will get to know her better. She’s on her way to brighter suns in San Francisco.


These are all people who came in to my life just when it was starting over again. When I was finding myself in the sunset of divorce. When I really didn’t know who I was or what I was about. But I was learning.


They are people who became my friends the instant we met and hung out. I remember exactly how I got to know each of them. Angel had been in my periphery for years, since we were both writers for Macon Food and Culture. I don’t know if she knows just how much I always admired her for going out there and pursuing writing as a career.


I knew who Roger was when he first started his Black Card parties in Macon. I was single, in college, and working at Dea. But his DJ style eluded me somehow. It wasn’t until I got to know him one day at Dovetail that I really started to understand this was one cool dude- and not just on social media. And it was seeing him and Slim DJ one night at Rookery that I started to really get his musical style. I’m glad he puts together his mixes online now, I can always learn something.


Melanie and I also met at Dovetail, for a photoshoot Southern Living was doing. We became friends instantly and hung out again later that weekend. There are some people who come in to your life and you “Get” each other without explanation. She’s going to take Southern Bon Vivant with her to Asheville, and I know those will be fun stories.




But it was last night, as Floco was performing, that I looked around and saw everyone. This was My Macon at it’s best. And it made my heart sing inside. I damn near cried right then and there. But Roger says it best, as he did on Facebook earlier:


” My favorite show at Bragg Jam was by far Floco Torres’s show.

I am a Floco fan. I have favorite songs from different albums. I know the lyrics. I dig his style. I love the energy he puts into his performances. So seeing him preform last night to a large crowd that was there and responding and singing along was incredible to see and what I have always wished for for him. Then on top of that it was a Bragg Jam (and in a headlining time slot), the most important day of music in Macon each year. That was the type of performance you hope for for all of the local bands performing at Bragg Jam.

But then I began to take note of who I was standing in that room with and I have to admit I got a little emotional. Floco’s band was mostly made up of people I call friends. And if seeing one friend be successful is gratifying, imagine seeing 6 friends working together for that success. 

They were on stage performing songs that Shawty Slim and G-Man Fantastic – two people I admire and always enjoy being around – helped to create, and they were in the crowd with me. I look over and there’s Aaron Irons with his hand in the air and a smile on his face. Some of my favorite shows djing in Macon were when I shared the card with his band, the Liabilities and a band called Treas In Season – whose drummer was Travis, Floco’s drummer of now seven years.

As Floco pointed out, our editor Renee Martinez was in the crowd. She has read everything I wrote for the Macon Telegraph for about 4 years (maybe more. I can’t remember how long it’s been anymore.).

Angel Collins was there. Angel is so special not only because she is also leaving Macon, but because you could always count on Angel to be the first on on the dance floor, having a good time.

There were so many people there. Every one of them so very special to me. Friends from my very beginning days of Roger Riddle to friends I have just made recently. If I were to name them all this post would never end and I would still miss someone. Just know that I love you all. And as I took a moment to take it all in, this magical moment, I couldn’t help it – I teared up. A couple of times. 

I wanted to walk around and hug everyone there and say thank you. But I also just wanted to hold on to the moment as long as I could and enjoy it. I wish I could have bottled what I saw last night so it could be opened and poured out into the streets of Macon every Friday and Saturday night.

So if you were there with me at Floco’s show last night, thank you for all you have done for me during my time in Macon. And please know that I love you and I will miss you all.”


For me, I looked around and realized just how many people I knew that were there. It was the only time I had that moment all night. On stage were Floco, Vinson- (Leadership Macon 2014 “The Only Class That Matters”!), Daniel, and Chris. In the audience were even more that I knew. I can’t even try to name them all because I know I’ll forget someone by mistake and feel like a jerk.


I am moving in to a new home, but still here in Macon- even as I commute to work in Atlanta. We’re all making big strides and changes, and I know it’s the best for every one of my friends.


Another special friend is moving to town in a week or so, and I won’t be able to show him how special these people were to me. All I can do is speak emphatically about brunches at Dovetail, dance parties, koozie jokes (” you don’t drink Budweiser at Dovetail!”) and more.


Walking out, Roger gave me a hug and said- in case I don’t see you again… and something else to the effect of whatever parting words we say. I don’t really remember because it was in that moment that I almost cried. And then it all became real: some of my very best people are leaving me, and they are leaving me soon.


There was nothing more to do than to walk to my car, surrounded by so many people and yet so alone under the glow of the Macon lights.


To my friends- y’all be safe on your journeys. I will visit soon.


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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