My Big News: Lots of Changes Coming Up
I ran into someone the other day who asked what my big news was that I had asked prayers for on Facebook.
I honestly couldn’t remember what it was, there’s been a lot going on. Some very dear friends of mine are moving, my mom & I are launching a candle line for Southern Bon Vivant, but the really big news is…. I’ll be closing on a house- God willing it all goes well, so please keep me in your prayers!
This month has been filled with calls to contractors, sub-contractors, meeting with website people, and then…. it came time to turn the heaters on at work and those were busted. Ugh. At least it was at Thanksgiving so we’re closed anyway.
Let’s not even mention the fact that I have two always growing children and trying to keep up with their schoolwork but also providing fun things for them to do is a whole other added layer.
Personal life? Yeah right. I’ve realized here lately that I’ve accidentally turned into a bit of a hermit. When I do go out it’s rare, compared to how it has been in the past, or perhaps life is just taking a new twist.
The holidays provide a moment to easily reflect on where I was the year before. Last year I had my first Christmas tree in my first home after my divorce. It’s a lovely little house, and I was doing a lease-to-own, which made sense to me at the time but a year down the road I realized that financially it was best for me to outright buy. I have loved living in College Hill Corridor and that was one reason I chose this lease-to-own option, because I very much wanted to live in that neighborhood. I have loved walking to Tattnall Square Park and to my church. But where I am moving to is still very close by.
The house is bigger, and has a rental unit within it. I can do more to this home. It even has a bigger yard for my kids. It’s just the appropriate next step to take.
Compared to where I was last year, work is a lot more stable. Life in general is a lot more stable. It feels like this will be the year in which I really start to get it together. Professionally for sure as I grow in my role at Cannonball House and in growing my website and its retail line. Personally as I complete the purchase of a home.
This year I travelled internationally for the first time, I had two job changes (ugh- no more for a long time- ok?), I participated in the Fall Young Gamechangers class and met people from across this state who will be forever friends, met one of my very favorite chef celebrities, saw my kids grow more and more… so many things.
Now… according to my family my dating life is still a joke. It seems I missed the chance for my own Thanksgiving Clapback as my dad commented out loud that I’m great at picking out cats (Backstory- my kids cat is currently staying with my parents as I work through the moving out process, and their other cats came from me as well) but not so great at picking out a husband. And my grandmother chimed in “or boyfriends”. **sigh** I might not ever be good at that, who knows.
But life is settling down a little bit more. And while that used to scare me, it doesn’t really anymore. Some very dear friends are moving, I’ll opine about that in a later post, and it makes me sad. Floco, Josey, Ellen, Stacey & Jonathan- I hope y’all know just how much I will miss you.

But I’m meeting new friends, too. People who are in the same place as me in life. Like Carrie & Britt. And people who I know will always be there are continuing to be there whether near or far, Robert, Mariana, Carrie, Jen, and so many others. Too many to actually count or name.
Life is bringing big things. I keep believing that God has a plan for me, and as long as I can keep believing, I know that anything in life is possible. But first, for now, my prayers are that next week I’ll be holding the keys to my very first, very own, very MINE and my kids, house.
Love to all y’all,