Be Open to New Discoveries in Your Hometown

I find myself sometimes stuck in a rut- going to the same restaurants, the same events, same same same. But one thing about writing for both The Telegraph and The Cluster is that I am forced to explore new things.

Case in point- Francar’s. I had actually never eaten there before for one really silly reason: I don’t like to get messy when I eat. Let me explain further…. I am very self conscious about eating in front of some people, unless I know them rather well. So I always avoid eating wings.

I should have known they had boneless wings- and I guess I probably did but I just don’t like having to explain to a group of friends “no I hate to get messy while eating”. Anyways so we have this awesome story on Francar’s coming up in The Cluster and since I am delving in to the world of photography I tagged along with columnist Kelsey Jones to Francar’s- and I am so happy I did.

I have met owner Carl Fambro before, when I worked for (oh the irony doesn’t escape me) DealChicken through 13WMAZ and he ran a deal through us. And I know through College Hill Corridor lore that he does a LOT for the community and is just an all around upstanding person. So I am really happy I had the chance to go in and try his products.

I won’t give away the article, you’ll have to read it for yourself, but I did go back today and had the brunch. Of course I ordered the Carl’s Chicken and Waffles. Now I have to admit, I’ve always wondered- just where did the combo of chicken and waffles come from? I turned to Google for the answer and had to laugh to myself when the first answer came from PBS. Tori Avey’s The History Kitchen provides the answer, I’ll let you click the link for yourself.

Oh. My. God. Those were the first waffles I have ever had that didn’t need syrup. Like it seems weird to not need syrup with waffles or even pancakes. But these were SO light and fluffy and buttery allllllllll on their own. It just wasn’t needed. And the chicken was breaded and fried perfectly. I can’t wait to go back for brunch as well as lunch sometime. And- I did eat the Lethal Weapon 2 wings. He only brings those out for those who special request them. Not that I think I’ll be eating them often, but I did survive!

Also…. I’ve been making a point to check out more music. The Cox Capitol Theatre has an outstanding lineup of musical guests. This past weekend I saw Jamey Johnson, someone I would never check out on my own. And I did hear some really good music. On the day of my birthday they also had Galatic- another band I might not have seen otherwise. But both put on amazing shows, and I am looking forward to even more.


I haven’t been in The Pink Chief Boutique downtown since they transferred ownership, in fact I didn’t really realize they had new owners. Anissa is SO nice and she really has a passion for bringing unique items to Macon. I’m well on my way to having a large, revolving layaway with her. Be sure to keep your eyes open for a later interview with her!


And while Warner Robins isn’t my hometown, it is a part of Middle Georgia. I had the chance to step in to Southern Flair boutique on my way to visit Aesthetic Body Sculpture. The owner, Misty, is just so lovely. She has a passion for fashion as well and while I have only been in there twice, I really enjoy chatting with her and am looking forward to going again soon. She also told me that their own sales of Mercer attire for football games have been going really well, which tells me that Mercer’s reach far exceeds the city limits of Macon. Isn’t that great?!

Oh! And I can’t believe I almost forgot this- I went in the new men’s only hair salon in downtown Macon called Gentry. Owner Brian Ochoa has a stellar vision for his business and he and his wife have an excellent business pedigree in that they also own The Wax Strip stores. I think this is something that can be awesome for our town.


Last night, I also had the chance to have dinner with many of my closest friends as well as some new ones. “Friendsgiving” has been trending on Twitter and I would suspect for a very good reason. My chance at Friendsgiving was at friends Alex and Eleta’s house- I don’t even know how many people were there but oh my gosh there was so much food. This is one of the greatest things I love about Macon- the people. It’s amazing how we can come together, and how at home we can be with one another- even those we meet for the first time that evening. I’m so grateful for friends like Alex and Eleta who are willing and excited to open their home to us, they also allowed me to do a private dinner for a Telegraph column in their home. They are truly lovely people- oh and you can also catch their home on the Vineville Christmas Tour of Homes.


There are so many great things here, and I’m so excited to constantly be discovering more.


Love to all y’all,




Francar's Buffalo Wings on Urbanspoon

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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