All The Pretty Things: Rumor Boutique

Now is a good time to remind some of y’all about the humble beginnings of this website. It was originally a spin-off from my Macon Food & Culture magazine fashion column called ” Make It Work”. That’s where the original name of Make It Work Molly came from. Once other people started writing here, it no longer made sense to call the site Make It Work Molly. So I labored over a new name for the site, and came up with Southern Bon Vivant.



But fashion is still a very large part of this site, as well as my own personal aesthetic. So when I popped into Rumor Boutique yesterday for the Moon & Lola + Bourbon & Boweties trunk show, I knew I needed to share all the pretty things with y’all.



First of all, for those of you living elsewhere you should know that the trunk show is currently on tour. Today these lovely ladies are in Savannah, then Charleston, and then North Carolina. Take a look!



        Now, there’s also oh so many pretty things at Rumor! First of all, they’ve got the Swell bottles back in stock. With tailgaiting season quickly approaching, y’all NEED THESE to keep your wine and or cocktails cold. Do it.     10404407_10153338500422206_7106642694629871401_n         Karlie happens to be one of my current favorite brands, and this little number is perfectly light for our insufferable hot heat right now:         11800350_10153535988677206_7209438823206814930_n         Here’s another adorable Karlie number, I was immediately drawn to it when I saw it on the rack:     11760113_10153526762997206_2244304607450958338_n         And again…..    

If YOU are wanting to stay cute and cool in the heat this summer- make sure you pop into Rumor Boutique. ALSO! For my outside my Macon friends- they have $5 flat shipping for anywhere in the U.S.!!! No excuses y’all.

Love to all y’all,


Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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