One of the really great things about the Internet and social media is I find people rather randomly. Bear with me as I relay this one…
So, Roger Riddle- Marketing Director for the Moonhanger Group (Rookery, Dovetail, Armory Ballroom)- posts on his Facebook that Emily Ellyn of The Food Network was at The Rookery for this contest that the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association was hosting to pick out the best burger in Georgia. I actually was not familiar with her but she looks super cool and let’s be honest, it’s pretty bad-ass that someone from The Food Network came to see us. (Yes, “us”, I may not be a Rookery employee but I consider it to be mine own just like any of my other downtown haunts.)

Ok, I’m geting off topic… no surprise I did ask yall to bear with me. Because of this visit by Emily Ellyn, and this fabulous hat she wore, I went to her Facebook page and saw a link to “The Rad Hattress“- the young lady who made this hat for Ms. Ellyn.

Personally, I am a HUGE hat fan. I love them. I swooned over many of the hats worn during the Royal Wedding and I much prefer a handmade creation for any Derby event. ( I own two true Derby hats designed in Kentucky.) Not only that, but we don’t get dressed up the way we used to! Hell I even saw a program on CBS Sunday Morning about a professor at a college who makes her own clothing because she can’t find a shirt with a six button cuff…. ahhhh anyways. Back to hats. It used to be we ladies didn’t step outside without one.

Granted, these hats are a little out of the ordinary, but I had to contact The Rad Hattress myself and ask her some questions:
Make It Work Molly: So, tell me how did you get started making hats?
The Rad Hattress: Well, Molly, that is a long story but the short answer is that I wanted a hat and I didn’t like the options that were available. So I made one for myself and a bunch for a St. Patrick’s Day party. After the party I didn’t know what to do with them and my boyfriend at the time said “Hey, I can sell these to the girls at work!” and it took off from there. I’m single now by the way 😉

MIWM: Which one is your favorite?
TRH: Gosh, asking which piece is my favorite is like asking which one of your children is your favorite. Each piece is hand made. They are all one of a kind so even when I do large orders each hat is slightly different. I consider every piece to be a wearable work of art almost like a sculpture for your head! All my pieces have a little piece of my soul and are made with love and joy. If I had to pick a favorite I would say any piece that I thought I couldn’t make or stressed out making it. I love being challenged. So any of Emily’s food hats, the Lolita Veil and the Tinker’s Daughter Hat were the scariest to make because I had no idea how to make them going in and they all turned out so awesome!
MIWM: How do you know Emily Ellyn? How did y’all connect?TRD: Emily came to a charity event for our local library. My grandmother and I went. My best friend Jo Anne is a huge Food Network fan and I knew if I didn’t get Em’s autograph Jo would kill me. So I went over to Emily and she had these bacon earrings on. I said to myself “This is a person who needs a hat.” So I handed her a card and showed her a few pictures on my phone. She got so excited. It turned out she wore similar hair piece on Food Network Star. She said to me right then “From now on you make all my hair pieces.” Emily has been so supportive and not just a business friend but a real friend. I have learned so much from her. I am truly blessed to have met her. And she was actually the one who gave me my name The Rad Hattress!
MIWM: What is your long term goal for your hats?
TRD: Well that’s simple. Every one needs a hat, a feather piece, or a veil to complete their outfit! You know, fifty years ago, and before that forever, every outfit needed a hat. I predict that my little hats are the accessory of the future! I firmly believe everyone has a piece I made or will make just for them and they just don’t know it yet. 🙂 So, I would like to make my collection more available through shows, conventions, special events, retail; and hospitality locations and get my name out there through people like you and Emily! I am currently working on making Men’s hats and some jewelry to add to my collection. Eventually I hope to add some other accessories as well to match the hats. I have also done hat/centerpiece jobs where people hired me to make coordinating table decor and hairpieces. That was super fun and I would love to continue doing that.
MIWM: Can you do custom jobs?
TRD: Custom orders are my favorite! Items can be ordered in any color scheme, theme, or to fit any occasion. Let’s create something together! I also do discounts for orders of 10 or more.
MIWM: How can people purchase one?
TRD: If you are interested in a custom order people can go to my Facebook and send me a message or send me an email at If you would like a pre-made hat you can go to my Etsy Shop www.Etsy.Com/shop/TheRadHattress or you can now also order directly off my Facebook Shop. Before ordering a pre-made hat I strongly encourage you to look at my albums on Facebook however. Most pieces make it onto Facebook before they make it on to Etsy and may get sold at an Art Show or Convention. Don’t let your piece get snatched up!
MIWM: OMG- I forgot to even ask anything more about you! Tell us your name, where you are from, etc please 🙂
My name is Tiffany Namey, The Rad Hattress.
I was born in St. Petersburg, Florida but I grew up in the Maitland/Winter Park area of Florida which are suburbs outside of Orlando. I live in Winter Park now.
The business started as a hobby to make enough money to feed my sushi habit. Now it is my full time job. I feel so fortunate to have a family that has supported me while I take this risk. I have Grand Maule Seziures due to Epilepsy. It has made holding steady traditional employment slightly difficult. There is unfortunately still a lot of fear and discrimination against epileptics in our society. This not only gives me a chance to work while doing what I love but it serves to show people that being disabled doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your dreams.
So, I’m thinking I’ve got someone who can make me some custom headbands and hats for the Macon Art’s Alliance Taste of the Arts event, what do yall think?!
Love to all y’all….