A Biscuit, A Burger, and a new Friend: Biscuits, Burgers, and More

I’d heard about this place for a while. Sometimes my own head gets in my way of trying something new.


This time it was the idea that I didn’t have the time to make the trek alllllllll the way to the Jones/Bibb County line. Silly me.


Photo Jan 27


15 minutes down I-75 from the New York Life office on Bass Road, an out of the blue resolution came about: I was finally going to make it to Biscuits, Burgers, and More.


Photo Jan 27-2


I was not prepared.


Despite all the hype the Doubting Thomas in me wasn’t sure.


Well, rise and shine and believe y’all. Much like that Bulldawg Kevin Butler and his amazing field goal this place hits it between the uprights for sure.


Photo Jan 27-5


Upon entering I was met by owner Mike Seekins with a hug as he came out from behind the grill. “Finally! You came!” I certainly felt special. And of course, we had been conversing over Facebook for some time about my coming in.


I asked what to get and was told the Dickey Betts burger. The name of the burger should come as no surprise to anyone who takes even a glance around: there are music posters everywhere along with UGA memorabilia. My kind of place.


Photo Jan 27-4


While making my burger Mike flooded me with information about his burgers, where he gets them from, his passion about their sourcing. And also information about a music festival coming up in South Carolina that he will be catering.


I had to take the burger to go but the special seasoned fries, well, I started nibbling on them as I photographed my food and couldn’t stop the whole drive to work. Good lord. They’re likely some of the best fries I’ve ever had.


Photo Jan 27-7


But the burger was clearly the king of this meal. A seasoned patty, bleu cheese, more cheese, mushrooms- I don’t even like mushrooms in general but all of this together was quite good.


I’m hoping to make it out there one morning for breakfast, as I’m told there’s quite the following developing for their breakfast. And, now I know, it won’t take me any longer to get there than anywhere else.


Photo Jan 27-6


You can find Biscuits, Burgers, and More on Georgia Highway 49- just turn from Gray Highway and keep going til you hit the Jones County line. There’s a stop light, and it’s in the same building as the gas station. In fact, Mike told me his father developed that part of town and he helped his father build that very building. Other restaurants came and went, but now it’s him- and I can tell y’all he’s here to stay. And it’s also nice to know I’ve made a friend.


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 971 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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