The Macon Film Festival: ACTION!!!


Wooooo hoooooo tomorrow starts the Macon Film Festival complete with movies, stars, Maga Tini’s and more party than this town sees in a usual similar time span.

Know what I’m most excited about? The After Parties. I’ve never been to them before! And honestly… I’m a little bit scared of the MAGA  Tinis. (Maga Tinis? MAGAtinis? I’m sure I’ll get this wrong.) But I’m told they’re to die for so I’m going to go ahead and put on my walking shoes and save my taxi cab fare for the ride. Literally.


Thursday night’s after party will be at the Downtown Grill (David seriously?! You picked Thursday night to move and THAT’s the night of DTG after party? Failure of planning on your part if you ask me!) and then Friday will be at Karsten Denson with catering provided by Soul Food Buffet and Good to Go.


Saturday night’s par-tay will be at the SoChi Gallery with a breakfast buffet by Good to Go (oh it’s going to be a long night cause I’ve got Macon Pops that night too)…. !!!!!  The music will be provided by DJ and special performance by Chris Nuñez. And there will also be a live art performance by Jean Alexander. What’s an art performance? Well, it’s when the art is created before you- thus an art performance!


My friend Tammy Spires is a long time volunteer and she tells me ” The Macon Film Festival after parties are such an exciting part of the festival, in that you have the opportunity to hang out with filmmakers, industry insiders, fellow festival attendees, and Macon locals. The famous ‘Magatini’  is becoming legendary, and you can only get it during the festival. Along with the nightly Special Screenings, the after parties are my favorite part of the entire event!”

Sidebar: now we know how to spell Magatini….


If you have ever wanted to experience everything that is cool about Macon’s art scene in one night- this is the time. Movies. Music. FOOD. Fun. Movies. Cocktails… it just doesn’t get any better.


So, I will see you there, right? It’s such a bargain too! But hurry- they can and DO sell out!!!


Crap… now I gotta figure out what I’m going to wear! Priscilla Esser, let’s chat doll…


Love to all yall



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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