Take Care Of Your Face: Beesa Skincare

The other day I had one of the best natural facials of my life. I say natural because there are many types of facials, and they use different- well “ingredients” probably isn’t the best word but as I work and eat lunch with my daughter at The Rookery it’s all I can think of- but they use different techniques.
Brooke Weatherford Kinross is someone I am proud to call a friend. Her whole family is just as lovely as can be, her kids are terribly cute and I usually have a laugh with her husband when I see him. You probably know her brother, Jamie, husband of Jessica Walden. Brooke has recently started a new business called Beesa Skincare, and I got to try her waxing services as well- actually I should make an admission: I had never had a bikini wax before. I was always too scared!!! But it really wasn’t bad at all, really. I’m not just saying that.
After the facial, I’m telling y’all I had people telling me my skin was glowing for *days*. So I thought I was interview Brooke and get some more information about Beesa Skincare for y’all!
MIWM: Ok so, tell me some basics about you personally, background info, etc. Why you started this business, why you are passionate about it, etc.
Brooke: When I was 29 I was living in Portland, OR working at a bar.  The bartender was in her late 50’s and I thought to myself “I don’t want to be 50 working in a bar!”  A good friend of mine was in school to be an esthetician and she loved it.  I was intrigued since I had personally struggled with cystic acne in my early 20’s and also loved the idea of getting paid to pop pimples.  My love for biology and science also played a role.  I moved to Atlanta late 1999, immediately enrolling at the International School of Skin and Nails.  I worked one full time job, a part time job, went to school 4 nights a week, but it was worth it to find something I truly loved.  What a blessing!

While in school at Oberlin College I became interested in organic food, natural skincare and body products and a more natural lifestyle.  I graduated with a BS in Environmental Studies with a concentration in organic and sustainable agriculture.  I developed many beliefs and values then that have reamined with me since.  When I was in esthetics school I knew I wanted to work at Natural Body in Atlanta because using narural products was their focus.  They hired me as a newby straight out of school and within 2 years I became the Lead Esthetician responisble for training new hires, managing the other esthetician at my location and eventually training new stores in product education and service protocol.  They even tried to have me fly back a few times after I moved to Tucson!  I stayed at Natural Body for 5 years, eventually deciding to move to Tucson where I worked at an Aveda concept salon and spa before havng children. Beesa is my way of returning to a career that blesses me with the company of amazing clients and allows me to share what I am passionate about, natural skincare.  I beleive that what you put on your body is as important as what you put in it.  You don’t need fancy gimmicks and tools to get wonderful skin.  Alot of water and a little sunscreen can do more for you than most anything else!  
I especially enjoy working with acne challenged clients of all ages to help determine why they are having skin issues.  We review medications, lifestyle, diet, and often times I suggest a hormone test to help us better their skin condition.
MIWM: Also can you please tell us specifics about waxing in general- things to ask an esthetician.
Brooke: Waxing is amazing!  It is the ultimate in instant gratification.  
Here are a few tips:
*your hair has to be at least 1/4″ long.  I know that may be hard to do, but any less and you are wasting your time.
*I am not a fan of leg waxing.  Just being honest.  You will never get a smooth wax.  The hair on your legs rubs on pants, hose and socks often breaking hairs off making them too short to wax.  The main clients I have that get their legs waxed usually have alot of very thick, dark hair so it is a time saver for them.
*If you return for a follow-up every 3-4 weeks you will get the best results, plus your hair growth thins out.
*If you shave in between, you will go back to step one.
*Always tell your estetician if you are on any medications prescribed for your skin or that you take for skin resurfacing and acne such as retinol, retin A, differen, accutane, etc.  Bad things can happen if you don’t 😉
MIWM: The facial you did for me- what all was a part of that? What were the steps and why are they important, as well as the products you used.
Brooke: All of the one our facial treatments at Beesa consist of a cleansing, skin analysis, exfoliation with steam, extracions, facial massage, mask, arm/hand and neck/shoulder massage, eye gel, sunscreen and lip balm.  You had a boost with your exfoliation where I used an enzyme peel.  Enzymes (pineapple and pumpkin to be exact) are proteolitic, meaning they “eat” or dissolve dead protein, aka dead skin.  When applied to the surface of the skin the enzyme mask dissolves away the buildup of dead skin cells allowing for easier extracions, diminished fine lines and dark spots and a healthy glow to your complexion. 
I use natural products from 2 different lines, Bioelements and Jurlique.  These products are paraben free, contain no sodium lauryl sulfate, are not tested on animals, have no artificial colors or aromas, contain 100% organic essential oils and many organic botanical ingredients.  It is my mantra: Natural products, visible results.
Well, clearly it worked wonders for me! And this actually answered some questions I had about products I used to use- containing Pineapple and Pumpkin- and why they worked SO well. I really didn’t know they help to dissolve dead skin cells.
Y’all seriously- do yourselves a favor and go check out Beesa Skincare. If my skin can glow with pretty much zero sleep ever then just think what it could do for you!!! (*Note- I’m not advising that you shouldn’t sleep or even promoting it.)
Love to all y’all,

Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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