How the Love of a Boy(s) Lead to My Love of Food

I’ll admit it. I was once The Girl Who Would Only Eat Chicken Fingers. Sad, but true. It was a boyfriend I had my freshman year of college who pointed out to me just how unattractive that was, and also how boring! However, it wasn’t until my junior year of college and yet another boy I started to date that I really began to explore the culinary world. This particular boyfriend took me to Tic Toc Room, at a time in which hanging out downtown was still relatively new and Allen Bass had not just Bert’s but also another place up the road- at least, that’s the best of my memory. Someone feel free to correct me. And we also had Trio where The Hummingbird now stands.

That particular summer, I also worked in my first fine dining establishment- Gregory’s, where Marco is now on Forsyth. I also moved to Athens, and lived there for one school year as I attempted to transfer in to UGA. In Athens I learned about living simply for life, about going to DePalma’s on Tuesdays for half off wine night to split a bottle with a friend and split their double breadsticks (which really weren’t just breadsticks, but also had ground beef in them), and about going to other places where we could eat well but inexpensively if need be. Since we were all either currently in the restaurant industry or had been, we made sure to tip our servers well for having such cheap tickets.

My friends and I would also save our money and treat ourselves to evenings at The Porterhouse Grill. For whatever reason, I never did make it to places like The Last Resort, or Harry Bisset’s, or even 5&10. Upon reading that Farm 255, which I am pretty sure opened after I left, is closing- it makes me reminscence about this time in my life which helped me learn to love to art of food.

After coming back to Macon, I would work at Tic Toc Room as a banquet manager. At that time I would see Julio come in and I would sometimes watch him prepare the dinners. It really is just amazing to watch these talented chefs do what they do- just like watching an artist.


One of my next pieces in The Telegraph’s Southern Style publication will highlight my friend, Chef Reid Harrison, and I will also provide a follow up blog piece with more details. This piece will show how you can shop at local food markets like many of today’s chefs.

I may have gotten a little bit off track, and please pardon me, but we have so many great restaurants here. It’s so cool to see the final results of these talented people, and we are so lucky to have people who are willing to take a chance on opening new ventures here. I would encourage each of you to also support them. Try something different. I did this past weekend, in getting the Huevos Rancheros from the brunch menu at Dovetail. And it was AMAZING. Last week I went to Twang and had some of the best deviled eggs of my life.


I hate to think of what I could have missed out on if certain people had not walked in to my life when they had. Clearly, the relationships themselves didn’t last- but the after effects led to a much longer, and more fulfilling, love affair with food. So again, try something different.Even if you think you might not like it. Just like when my kids refused to eat their veggies tonight- you never know when you might like something. And even if you don’t like it- isn’t it better than not knowing? Don’t be the Girl (or Guy) Who Only Eats Chicken Fingers.


Love to all yall…



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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