Meet Blackfoot Gypsies: Bragg Jam 2018

This was a super last-minute interview, and honestly my mind drew a blank when it came to asking some questions… because really y’all, I was blown away when I saw these guys a few years ago. And I might come off as a bit of a fangirl in this. But, it is what it is, and I’m grateful these guys were gracious enough to answer my questions. Even though some of them are kind of silly in hindsight *facepalm*


(Answers are from Matthew Paige, guitarist and singer.)

MMW: I remember the first time I saw y’all. It was Wildwood Revival three years ago, my first (and sadly only) time attending. I was getting over a breakup and taking in some much-needed time with my best Athens-based friends. We wandered over to the pavilion where all the bands would be playing and my girl Jen and I said to each other- let’s check these guys out.

My jaw literally dropped when we heard y’all. The energy was absolutely amazing, and I fell in love.

Your website describes your sound as “swamp blues cool, down home hillbilly funk, and homegrown punk panache” and I think that’s just perfect. Tell me, how did y’all get to that sound? Did it just happen or did you have particular influences growing up that led to this?

BG: “It’s really just the jamming together of a lot of influences we grew up listening to. Lots of blues and country and rock n roll mixes with some energy of punk spirit. Just really expressive.”


MMW: Ok so tell me, what records did your parents play often, if any?

BG: “Lots of Willie, Waylon, Johnny, Jerry, and Merle. Then all the chess records blues guys and lighting Hopkins and old blues like Robert Johnson. Then mixed with musical theatre records my mom had.. it gets a nice mix of tunes.”



MMW: This is y’alls first time to Macon as far as I know, I’m hoping someone told y’all about Otis Redding and Little Richard and the Allman Brothers being from here? Are you hoping to take in any sights while here?

BG: “Duane Allman is one of my super guitar heroes, so I’d really like to make my way to his grave and pay him a visit.”


MMW: What’s your favorite on the road food? Are y’all traditional Southern food kind of guys, or no? I know some of y’all are not originally from Nashville, correct?

BG: “I’m from Portland and Dylan is from Gettysburg, and Zack and Ricky are from TN. We try to eat healthy cause it’s hard enough being on the road without having a rot gut. So veggies and stuff.”


MMW: If you had to live elsewhere- where would it be?

BG: “Barcelona.”


What’s a city that y’all haven’t been able to tour to, but it’s top on your list?

“I haven’t made my way back to Portland to play a show since I left, so I’d really like to get there soon!”



Thank y’all for taking the time to talk to me! I’m super honored, and I’m excited to keep following your career.

“Thank you! We’re really excited to play :))”


Be sure to catch these guys FRIDAY at the Capitol! Please go and see them, they’re at the top of my Bragg Jam “Must See” list. Their energy, their coolness, the music… all of it. You will not want to miss them.


Love to all y’all,



Love, Molly Kate

Molly is a communications professor, parent, Southern culture commentator, and social media marketing maven. She is also a freelance writer who has worked with a variety of publications and online magazines including Bourbon & Boots, Paste Magazine, Macon Magazine, the 11th Hour, Macon Food & Culture Magazine, and as the Digital Content Editor for The Southern Weekend.

Love, Molly Kate has 973 posts and counting. See all posts by Love, Molly Kate

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